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Patricia Carrington Painting with water colours


Patricia Carrington's  passion for making Art began in her childhood.  Her path to the life of an artist has been anything but straight. In early adulthood she married and had two children. In her thirties she completed a degree in Humanities, thinking this would be of more practical use. Hence, she is a self taught artist.


Fast forward and her children are adults, she's had a career in Social Care and in 2014, moved to Retford in  Nottinghamshire where she still resides.  This location has provided her with numerous like minded friends and colleagues, and most importantly the opportunity to finally pursue her first passion for making Art.



My motivation is the joy creativity brings me, it ignites my soul and my curiosity in the world we live in.


I regard myself as an emerging artist, a  late bloomer when it comes to creating Art. I have created a modest independent body of work and although I have painted a variety of subject matter in the past, I recently honed this choice down to Marine Art. This subject has always felt special to me, as my father was born and bred in Flamborough,  on the North East Coast. This is a place that I have come to love and know well. My main focus now is on the British Marine Environment. The topography and the geology of the british seashores, the land between high and low water marks, the sand dunes and shingle banks and the fauna and flora in the British Isles are all waiting to be captured on my creative journey.


 For me, like many artists, it is all about the light. The worlds of light and shade, creating the illusion of depth with shadows, half tones and hard light. Finding contours, manipulating paint to create the shadows, perspective, compositional balance, balancing warm and cool, lost and found shapes and lines, are all techniques  that I consider fundamental to creating an engaging and harmonious work of art. Along side this drawing skills also play a major role in my work.


At this moment in time I prefer a  realist and naive style of painting, with a dash of impressionism sometimes, which depicts real contemporary people, places and situations with truth and accuracy. The purpose of Art is to communicate. The visual language of realist art  cuts across all other languages and can be understood by everyone every where regardless what language is spoken or written. It is a Universal language, chronicling every day life and every day people. Unexceptional people who may actually be extraordinary, beautiful and mystical seascapes that tell their own stories. Close observation plays an important part in this.  




The Ferens Art Gallery, Queen Victoria Square, Carr Lane, Hull.  

Open Exhibition - 2017

Mall Galleries, The Mall, St. James's, London. The Royal Society of Marine Artists Annual Exhibition - 2018

Mall Galleries, The Mall, St James's, London. The Royal Society of Marine Artists Annual Exhibition - 2020

Mall Galleries, The Mall, St James's, London. The Royal Society of Marine Artists Annual Exhibition  - 2021


 The Ferens Art Gallery, Queen Victoria Square, Carr Lane, Hull.

Open Exhibition -  2022



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